And who made you King anyway?
There is a vast difference between sovereignty, which King Charles the First of England was able to assert, and monarchy that Queen Victoria worried about but which she or her family, the (later) House of Windsor (nee Saxe Coburg Gotha) could do nothing to change.
Sovereignty is the divine right to rule, the supreme power granted by God and is not subject to earthly interference, whereby monarchy is the rather fleeting power to rule as a head of a state when given or assented to by the people.
This distinction in the level of authority that grants a right to rule (Divine or Earthly) is one of the major reasons why the Temple hoard remained such a closely guarded secret and has its origin in biblical times. It was taken very seriously then and is considered just as relevant today for those who seek to assert it.
It all began with Abraham

Moses gets Bent
The covenant was fully formalized with Moses on the mountain by reducing it to a written contract known as the Tablets of Law. On these God had laid out the legal requirements that Moses and his seed had to fulfill to be kept a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The ancient Israelites, proving to be a wayward lot, were meanwhile erecting a Golden Calf to worship even as negotiations were taking place. Moses strode down the mountain with the contract in hand, divine ink barely dry on it, to find his tribes zilzaliming all around the Golden Calf. This upset him so much he literally broke the contract by smashing the Tablets. On returning up the mountain and explaining what had happened God, showing infinite patience or infinite knowledge of what the Israelites were like, kept the contract afoot and rewrote out all the conditions and clauses on some new tablets supplied by Moses.

The Divine Household Furniture
Part of the covenant’s obligations upon the Israelites was for the construction of a mobile residence for God, the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, which would contain the Mercy Seat, the throne on the Ark of the Covenant, upon which God could be present to rule his subjects. God’s presence, the Shekinah, was a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Hence the creation of the furniture items which became the great lost treasure.

The First King
This arrangement did not suit the Israelites as in the end they sent Samuel to speak with God and ask for a King to judge them. This would make it easier for them to obtain advice when needed as approaching a king was a lot less hazardous than having to approach the Ark of the Covenant. God, being God and knowing what was coming, agreed saying, “They have rejected me that I should not reign over them”. Samuel then, on authority of God, anointed Saul as King. This began the reign of the true Sovereigns; those covenanted in the Tribes of Israel who took their authority to rule directly from God.

The short reign of King Saul
Saul didn’t last long though for after making a few legal and moral errors, including using the Witch of Endor to raise the shade of Samuel to ask for advice, God withdrew his support. Saul fell upon his own sword rather than be captured by the Philistines. Next in line was David.

David does the Hustle
David was anointed the King of Judah after Saul. With God’s imprimatur David conquered the city of Yurusalem and took it for his capital. He enters the city dancing before the Ark of the Covenant as thanks.

The Davidic Line of Kings

Likewise a true sovereign should also be able to produce the evidence of their authority to reign. For the Kings of Judah this was an easy matter for all they had to do was wheel out the Ark of the Covenant to have God smite their enemies. This pretty quickly settled any argument. If however the Philistines wanted to get legalistic about it all the Israelites could produce the actual contract between them and God for the Philistine lawyers to peruse as the contract was embodied in the Tablets of Law carried around in the Ark.
Hence a true sovereign should be in possession of these items and would be able to produce them when it came to playing ‘my crown is bigger than your crown’. This is the reason why the Temple hoard was and is sought, hunted and murdered for by those who wish to wield it as proof for their claim of sovereignty.