The Inspiration

The Great Lost Treasure

The Steward

Following the Horse of God

Take your pick of which  trail you want to follow.
You can follow the original Spanish trail based on the colours and symbolism of the Tetramorphs.

Follow ANTARES. This will take you to the CERO TRES PUNTAS of 139 degrees west of Greenwich and then find TRINITY.

Or you can follow the later English line using the code on the Shepherds Monument.

This starts at the map’s central datum point. Follow ANTARES and go to the Golden Section Triangle and then TRINITY.

From there you go to the HORSESHOE, which is the island of Pinaki.

On the northwest sector you will see the PAN DE AZUCAR, the sailing mark, to the left of which is the pass through the surrounding coral reef.

Go through the pass to land on the PLAYA BLANCA, the white beach.

Head directly east and you will pass the AGUADA, the water source.

There you need to find the EBANIN, the marked rock upon which are the coded Spanish directions.

And the final directions to the vault? Yes, there are those also. Are you ready for them though?

The Alpha and the Omega

Here we are on the fantastic Horseshoe Island where the Holy Graal, the surviving original hoard of the Temple of Jerusalem, was hidden.

Within the hoard is the Holy Grail, more correctly called Abraham’s Emerald Cup. You’ll find also the Throne of God, better known as the Mercy Seat, on the Ark of the Covenant. Quite a few other things of interest also.

Achieve this and you achieve the Kingdom of Heaven.

Following the custom that has been going on for centuries the directions to find it are being openly published here for all to see. The map, the codewords, how to use them, even the history about how and why it was done.

And following what has happened before most people won’t even know it is occurring. It is the Rule of 42. There’s that number again.

The Gospel According to Thomas Saying 42: Jesus said, Be passerbys

All through history most people never realised that the clues and directions were right in front of them. They were subjectively involved in some small corner of the history they just missed the big picture. They were the story themselves.

In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus taught that to achieve the Kingdom you must be a ‘passerby’; someone not so subjectively involved in the petty world that they fail to recognise what is going on around them and miss the way given to them.

The Wisdom of Parzival

The meaning of Parzival is that to achieve the Graal, you must remain a passerby. Here Parzival observes the procession of the Graal but is not part of its story; whether he asked the wounded King its meaning or not is irrelevant. He is the objective observer who makes his way through a series of events to achieve the Graal.

Here, all the directions to achieve the Kingdom have been given quite openly on the internet.

Yet there are those who continue to argue about how a plastic skeleton of the Magdalene in a cave in France is real or how Francis Bacon buried Shakespeare’s works on Oak Island. They remain subjective participants in their story. No matter what is shown or told to them, they cannot leave their mundane world.

Some realise though, that whilst this is the end of some small mistaken tale they might have held dear, it is the beginning of the real path to achieve something glorious.

They move from being participants to passerbys and thereby learn to see the pointers that were placed right in front of them for the real way.

It is these persons who shall benefit from this.

To those so, all shall be granted!

How brave are you?

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